RSV-awareness success stories

United against RSV-associated childhood mortality

RSV causes up to 40% of all pneumonia cases before 1 year of age and is the world’s leading cause of pneumonia deaths in under 6-month-olds. 99% of RSV-associated mortality occurs in LMICs. As promising strategies for RSV prevention (including maternal vaccination) are on the horizon, the chance to combat this prevalent virus has never been better. Currently, awareness of RSV is low amongst patients, policymakers, and healthcare providers, especially in LMICs. RSV awareness is crucial for equitable global implementation of emerging preventive strategies.

The RSV GOLD Team has established a global collaborative network which we always aim to expand. Those who complete a presentation will be named GOLD ambassadors, and will be mentioned here on the RSV GOLD website as well as potential publications. Interested in collaborating and becoming a GOLD ambassador? E-mail us via

Presentations in Panama on RSV awareness and immunization strategies

Rodrigo DeAntonio delivered two impactful presentations, the first at the American Society of Microbiology in Panama on February 24th, 2024, and the second for the Panamanian advisory board for RSV Immunization strategies for children. Thanks to his dedication to increasing awareness of RSV, decision-makers in Panama are discussing the various immunization strategies to reduce RSV mortality. Rodrigo’s commitment to advancing RSV prevention efforts underscores his role in shaping public health initiatives in Panama.

Four lectures on RSV in Ghana

We are thrilled to announce that Evangeline Obodai succeeded to give four lectures on the RSV virus at various medical centers in Ghana. These presentations were given on July 17th, 2023, at the Departmental Journal Club meeting at the Virology department of NMIMR, on November 8th, 2023, at the JICA Third Country Training Workshop, on December 14th, 2023, at the University of Ghana Medical Centre (UGMC), and on January 19th, 2024, at the Princess Marie Louise Children Hospital. It has showcased her dedication to RSV awareness. Her engagements with diverse audiences, spanning virology professionals, healthcare practitioners, and medical students, have underscored the importance of RSV surveillance and management strategies. Evangeline’s expertise and passion for educating others make her an invaluable asset to our team. Congratulations, Evangeline, on your impactful contributions!
Succes story
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Presentation on RSV at Tehran University of Medical Sciences

We are delighted to feature Vahid Salimi, who took the initiative to raise awareness on RSV in Iran at the School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences in November 2023. Vahid’s presentation, attended by faculty members, students, and laboratory experts, sparked insightful discussions on various aspects of RSV. During the lecture, participants engaged in thought-provoking questions, exploring topics such as the contagiousness and pathogenicity differences between RSV subtypes A and B. 

Thank you, Vahid, for being a part of our RSV awareness success stories.



RSV-awareness and education in Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania 

Dr. Joshua Gidabayda, Sophie Nelissen, Julie Schoevers and Kassim Ally have made a great effort in spreading knowledge and awareness about RSV in Tanzania. In their presentation, they addressed the clinical presentation, treatment and preventative options and outlined the burden of RSV in Tanzania. With this presentation, the clinicians in Haydom Lutheran Hospital are prepared and educated to care for the RSV patients in their hospital.  



RSV presentation to the Société Haïtienne de Pédiatrie

On 22 August 2023, Jacqueline Gautier M.D., Pascale Gassant M.D. and Lynda Abicher M.D. hosted a presentation together for the Société Haïtienne de Pédiatrie in Haïti. They presented preliminary results on RSV-GOLD network studies which are being executed in the Hôspital Saint Damien in Haïti and the St. Jude Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, amongst many other sites. The presentation also included a quiz where the audience was challenged to answer questions about the burden and awareness of RSV. The challenge how to prevent noscomial RSV infections in crowded emergency rooms was discussed and people felt activated and empowered by the presentation. We want to congratulate Jacqueline Gautier, Pascale Gassant, Lynda Abicher and all participants of the meeting for their great accomplishment in combatting RSV.

Dr. Jacqueline Gautier giving a presentation on RSV burden in French to the Sociéte Haïtienne de Pédiatrie

Online presentation about RSV burden in South-Africa

Dr. Charl Verwey, paediatric pulmonologist at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, has hosted an online presentation about the RSV burden in South-Africa. The presentation entailed a great and detailed description about the burden of RSV, as well as the possible solutions such as maternal vaccinations.


RSV burden highlighted in Mozambique

On the 24th of May, prof. dr. Tufária Mussá and Dr. Esperança Guimarães gave a very insightful presentation about the RSV burden on the Intensive Care Unit and the costs of RSV hospitalization. We are delighted to share that a diverse audience was present with multiple stakeholders from the Ministry of Health, Expanded Programme on Immunization, Family Health department and PATH.

Presentation on RSV burden by Dr. Tufária Mussá and Dr. Esperança Guimarães

RSV presentation wins poster competition in Nepal

Dr. Rupesh Shrestha has done a terrific job by raising RSV awareness via a poster presentation on the Nepal Paediatric Society 20th National Conference. The conference was held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 11 to 13 May 2023. We want to congratulate Dr. Rupesh Shrestha on this great achievement and also on winning the poster competition at the conference.  

Dr. Rupesh Shrestha at the Nepal Paediatric Society 20th National Conference

RSV presentation in The Gambia

On May 3, 2023, Dr. Lamin Makalo, the Site Principal Investigator of the RSV GOLD III ICU Network Study gave a presentation about RSV at the Department of Paediatrics at Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul, The Gambia. Lamin’s talk on RSV received a positive response from his colleagues, who showed great enthusiasm and support for our mission. This successful event marks the beginning of a series of upcoming presentations that will further raise awareness about RSV.
