We are currently collaborating with institutions from 71 countries.

The authorship and publication policy that applies to our collaborators can be found here.
Countries and collaborators for RSV GOLD
Dr. J Estrada (Servei Andorrà d’atenció sanitària (SAAS))
Dr. M T Caballero (Fundación Infant)
Dr. F P Polack (Fundación Infant)
Dr. A Gentile (Ricardo Gutiérrez Children’s Hospital)
Dr. F Lucion (Ricardo Gutiérrez Children’s Hospital)
Dr. M Echavarria (CEMIC University Hospital)
N Reyes (CEMIC University Hospital)
Dr. N Homaira (UNSW Australia)
Prof. A Jaffe (UNSW Australia)
Dr. W Butt (Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, University of Melbourne, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute)
C Delzoppo (Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute)
J Thompson (Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne)
Dr. H Moore (The Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases, based at Telethon Kids Institute)
Dr. J Lim (The Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases, based at Telethon Kids Institute)
Ms. G L Saravanos (National Centre for Immunisation, Research and Surveillance, University of Sydney)
Dr. P N Britton (The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, University of Sydney)
Dr. N Wood (The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, University of Sydney)
Dr. A Alafaci (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, The Royal Children’s Hospital)
Dr. N Crawford (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, The Royal Children’s Hospital)
Dr. B Resch (Medical University of Graz)
Dr. C Binder (Medical University of Vienna)
Dr. A Berger (Medical University of Vienna)
Dr. G Sever Yildiz (Medical University of Gaz)
Dr. N Homaira (ICDDR,B)
Dr. K Sturm-Ramirez (ICDDR,B)
CHAMPS Network
Dr. F Chowdhury (ICDDR,B)
Dr. A Islam (ICDDR,B)
Dr. D Jarovksy (Santa Casa de São Paolo, Brazil)
Dr. J Gareca Perales (Centro de Pediatria Especializada “CRECER”, Bolivia)
Dr. S Nishioka (Ministry of Health)
Dr. P Gomes de Matos Bezerra (Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira)
Dr. M do Carmo Menezes Bezerra Duarte (Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira)
Dr. H Giamberardino (Hospital Pequeña Príncipe)
J M Webler (Hospital Pequeña Príncipe)
A P de Oliveira Pacheco (Hospital Pequeña Príncipe)
Dr. F de-Paris (Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre)
M R Pires (Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre)
Dr. M T da Costa Oliveira (Health Secretariat of the City of Belo Horizonte)
C C de Freitas Lázaro Emediato (Health Secretariat of the City of Belo Horizonte)
Dr. S Raboni (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
Dr. D Jarovsky (Santa Casa de São Paolo)
Dr. D Gregória Bomfim Prado da Silva (Santa Casa de São Paolo)
Dr. J Gareca Perales (Santa Casa de São Paulo)
LARed Network
Burkina Faso
Dr. T Sagna (Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Sante)
Prof. S Diagbouga (Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Sante)
Dr. A Kader Ilboudo (Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Sante)
Dr. B Kabore (The Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro)
Prof. H Tinto (The Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro)
Dr. P Bosco (McMaster University)
Dr. J Papenburg (McGill University Health Centre)
Dr. K Leifso (Kingston Health Sciences Centre)
Dr. J Langley (Canadian Center for Vaccinology, IWK Health Center)
R A Fasce (Public Health Institute, Ñuñoa, Santiago)
Dr. O Lopez (Hospital Dr. Ernesto Torres Galdames)
D Ortiz (Hospital Dr. Ernesto Torres Galdames)
N Gonzalez (Hospital Dr. Ernesto Torres Galdames)
LARed Network
Dr. Wei Su (Can Am International Medical Center)
Dr. C C Yuan (Can Am international Medical Center)
Dr. T F Leung (Faculty of Medicine and Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Dr. Z Xie (Beijing Children’s Hospital)
Dr. K Ching-Ching Chan (Faculty of Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Dr. J Fernández-Sarmiento (Universidad de la Sabana, Fundación Cardioinfantil-Instituto de Cardiología)
Dr. E Obando Belalcazar (Instituto Roosevelt)
LARed Network
Dr. S Roglic
Dr. K Horton (US CDC)
Dr. E Dueger (US CDC)
Dr. J Ojeda (Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador, MSP)
Dr. L Zamora (Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador, MSP)
Dr. A Bruno (Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Salud Publica, INSPI – Universidad Agraria del Ecuador)
Dr. D de Mora (Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Salud Publica, INSPI)
Dr. T Heikkinen (Turku University Hospital)
Dr. B D Gessner (Agence de Medecine Preventive, Paris)
Dr. H Tall (Agence de Medecine Preventive, Paris)
Prof. Dr. J Dubus (CHU Timone-Enfants, Marseille)
Dr. O Fléchelles (CHU Martinique, Fort-de-France)
Dr. M Weber (WHO)
Dr. C Härtel (Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein)
Dr. B A Rath (Vienna Vaccine Safety Initiative, Berlin)
Dr. P Obermeier (Vienna Vaccine Safety Initiative, Berlin)
Prof. Dr. C Vogelberg (Uniklinikum Dresden)
Dr. N Hanna (Uniklinikum Dresden)
Dr. J Seidenberg (Klinikum Oldenburg AöR)
Dr. A Streng (University Hospital Würzburg, Department of Pediatrics)
Dr. J Liese (University Hospital Würzburg, Department of Pediatrics)
Dr. E Obodai (Nogochi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana)
Dr. J K Odoom (Nogochi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana)
Dr. I Eleftheriou (Children’s Hospital ‘P.&A. Kyriakou’)
Prof. V Papaevangelou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, ATTIKON Hospital)
Dr. E Kartsiouni (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, ATTIKON Hospital)
Dr. R Ranjan Das (All India Institute of Medical Sciences)
Dr. A Satav (MAHAN Trust, Mahatm Ghandi Tribal Hospital)
Dr. A Sutanto (West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government)
A Tahamtan (Golestan University of Medical Sciences)
V Salimi (Golestan University of Medical Sciences)
Dr. P Gavin (Children’s Health Ireland)
E Moore (Children’s Health Ireland)
Dr. D Prais (Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel)
Dr. O Megged (Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel)
Dr. L Ashkenazi-Hoffnung (Schneider Children`s Medical Center of Israel)
Dr. A Ch Vittucci (Bambino Gesu Hospital)
Dr. G Gabutti (University of Ferrara)
Dr. L Lodi (Meyer Children’s Hospital and University of Florence)
Dr. F Barbati (University of Florence)
Dr. H Oshitani (Tohoku University of Medical Sciences)
Dr. H Ito (Kyoto Chubu Medical Center)
Dr. S Kusuda (Tokyo Women’s Medical University)
Dr. K Iio (Tokyo Metropolitan Children’s Medical Center)
Dr. N Khuri-Bulos (University of Jordan)
Dr. S Faori (University of Jordan)
Dr. N Halasa (Vanderbilt University Medical Center)
Dr. K Horton (US CDC)
Dr. E Dueger (US CDC)
Dr. G Otieno (KEMRI)
Prof. D J Nokes (KEMRI, University of Warwick, UK)
P K Munywoki (KEMRI, Pwani University)
N Murunga (KEMRI)
CDC Kenya
CHAMPS Network
Dr. A Alfraij (Ahmadi (KOC) Hospital)
Dr. M Alghounaim (Amiri Hospital and Farwaniya Hospital)
Dr. I Silina (Children’s Clinical University Hospital, Riga)
Prof. Dr. G Dhaibo (American University of Beirut Medical Center)
Dr. R Hanna-Wakim (American University of Beirut Medical Center)
D Ng Chun-Ern (Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar)
V Venugopal (Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar)
Fondation Merieux, Laboratory of Emerging Pathogens (Lyon, France)
CHAMPS Network
Dr. D Pace (Mater Dei Hospital)
Dr. T Dimech (Mater Dei Hospital)
Dr. N A de Battista (Mater Dei Hospital)
Dr. D Noyola (Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí)
Dr. A Comas-García (Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí)
Prof. Dr. D Noyola (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí)
Prof. Burmaajav Badrakh (Ach Medical University)
O Myagmardorj (Ach Medical University)
Dr. Q Bassat (Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça, Mozambique. Barcelona Institute for Global Health, ICREA)
Dr. Q Bassat (Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça, Mozambique. Barcelona Institute for Global Health, ICREA)
Prof. Dr. T Mussá (Universidade Eduardo Mondiane and Instituto Nacional de Saúde)
Dr. M Pale (Instituto Nacional Saúde)
Dr. A Tivane (Instituto Nacional Saúde)
Dr. S Mavale (Hospital Central de Maputo)
CHAMPS Network
Dr. H Chu (University of Seattle)
Dr. B Buiteman (Wilhelmina Childrens Hospital, Utrecht)
Dr. L J Bont (Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, Utrecht, ReSViNET)
New Zealand
Dr. N Prasad (on behalf of the Southern Hemisphere Influenza and Vaccine Effectiveness Research and Surveillance [SHIVERS project)
Dr. J F Sánchez (Hospital Infantil Manuel de Jesus Rivera)
Dr. A Gordon (University of Michigan)
Dr. K Horton (US CDC)
Dr. E Dueger (US CDC)
Dr. S Awladthani (The Royal Hospital)
Dr. U B Aamir (National Institute of Health, Islamabad)
Dr. A Ali (Aga Khan University)
Dr. S B Omer (Yale Institute for Global Health, USA)
Dr. M Kazi (Yale Institute for Global Health, USA)
Dr. E A Khan (Shifa International Hospital)
H M Faras (Shifa International Hospital)
Dr Q Abbas (Aga Khan University)
S Asif (Aga Khan University)
Dr. R DeAntonio (Sistema Nacional de Investigación)
Dr. X Saez-Llorens (Sistema Nacional de Investigación)
Dr. S P Lupisan (Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, Metro Manila)
Dr. M G Lucero (Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, Metro Manila)
Prof. W Feleszko (Medical University of Warsaw)
Dr. K Dumycz (Medical University of Warsaw)
Dr. S C de Tavares Ferreira (Hospital de Dona Estefânia)
Dr. A B de Sousa Pereira Luzio Vaz (Hospital de Dona Estefânia)
Prof. K Alansari (Sidra Medicine, Weill Corness Medicine, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar University)
Dr. M A A Qashnon (Hamad Medical Corporation)
Republic of Korea
Prof. Dr. E Choi (Seoul National University College of Medicine)
Sierra Leone
CHAMPS Network
Dr. K T Yeo (KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital)
Dr. C F Yung (KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital)
South Africa
Dr. C Cohen (NICD, School of Public Health, University of Witwatersrand)
Dr. J Moyes (NICD)
Dr. S A Madhi (National Research Foundation: Vaccine Preventable Diseases, RMPRU)
Dr. M J Groome (National Research Foundation: Vaccine Preventable Diseases, RMPRU)
M Nunes (National Research Foundation: Vaccine Preventable Diseases,RMPRU)
R Chawana (National Research Foundation: Vaccine Preventable Diseases, RMPRU)
CHAMPS Network
South Korea
Dr. Y Kim (Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center)
Dr. E Lee (Chonnam National University Hospital)
Dr. E Yang (The Catholic University of Korea, Daejeon St. Mary’s Hospital)
Dr. H M Kang (The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital)
Dr. F J Elola (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón)
Dr. C Calvo (Severo Ochoa Hospital)
Dr. R Rodriguez (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón)
Prof. Dr. C Muñoz-Almagro (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu)
Dr. C Launes (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu)
Sri Lanka
Dr. S Jayaweera (Rajarata University of Sri Lanka)
Prof. Dr. S T Kudagammana (University of Peradeniya)
HGS Premathilake (University of Peradeniya)
Prof. C E Kuehni (University of Bern, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM))
Dr. C Ardura-Garcia (University of Bern, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM))
Dr. H Chi (Mackay Children’s Hospital)
Dr. S Thamthitiwat (Ministry of Public Health Thailand)
Dr. N Wanlapakorn (Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology, Chulalongkorn University)
Prof. Y Poovorawan (Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology, Chulalongkorn University)
Dr. P Aikphaibul (Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University)
Dr. P Suntarattiwong (Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health)
Dr. B D Gessner (Agence de Medecine Preventive, Paris)
Dr. H Tall (Agence de Medecine Preventive, Paris)
Dr. I Bel Hadj (Children’s Hospital Tunis)
Prof. K Boussetta (Children’s Hospital Tunis)
Dr. S Gökçe (Ege University)
Dr. A Eşki (Ege University)
Dr. T Kendirli (Ankara University School of Medicine)
Dr. E Gün (Ankara University School of Medicine)
Dr. E Çiftçi (Ankara University School of Medicine)
Dr. M Duyu (Istanbul Medeniyet University, Prof. Dr. Suleyman Yalcin State Hospital)
Dr. B Bayrakci (Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine)
Dr. E Koçkuzu (Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine)
Dr. M Hawkes (University of Alberta)
United Arab Emirates
Dr. L Saadah (Ibn Al-Haytham Hospital, Jordan)
Prof. Dr. I Basheti (Ibn Al-Haytham Hospital, Applied Sciences Private University, Jordan)
United Kingdom
Dr. S Nadel (St. Mary’s Hospital)
Dr. M Ghazaly (St. Mary’s Hospital)
Dr. K Thorburn (Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool)
Prof. P McNamara (University of Liverpool)
Dr. E A Goka (School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield)
Dr. H Nair (Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics, University of Edinburgh)
S Drysdale (FRCPCH) (University of St George’s)
LARed Network
Dr C Pírez (University of the Republic of Uruguay)
Dr E Assandri (University of the Republic of Uruguay)
Dr. V Kumar (AstraZeneca)
Dr. H Chu (University of Seattle)
Dr. D Hijano (St Jude Children’s Research Hospital)
Dr. K Allison (St Jude Children’s Research Hospital)
T Freudenberg (St Jude Children’s Research Hospital)
Dr. M C Spaeder (University of Virginia School of Medicine)
Dr. K L O’Brien (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)
Dr. O Ramilo (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Ohio State)
Dr. A Mejias (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Ohio State)
Dr. C Garcia-Maurino (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Ohio State)
Dr. A Diaz (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Ohio State)
Dr. E A F Simões (University of Colorado)
P Carson-Link (University of Colorado)
Dr. T Ravindranath (Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York-Presbyterian)
Dr. S L Shein (Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland)
A Parlapalli (Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland)
L Kemp (Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital)
Dr. M Bolton (Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital)
Prof. Pham Thi Minh Hong (Children’s Hospital No2, Ho Chi Minh City)
Dr. A Tuan (Children’s Hospital No1, Ho Chi Minh City)
Dr. K Horton (US CDC)
Dr. E Dueger (US CDC)
Yemen Field Epidemiology Training Program (Y-FETP)
Dr. C J Gill (Boston University School of Public Health, USA)
Dr. L Forman (Boston University School of Public Health, USA)